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Review of NumbeR SyStemS & CodeS
Representation of numbers of different radix, Conversion from one radix to another radix, r–1’s complements
and r’s complements of signed members. Gray code,4 bit codes; BCD, Excess-3, 2421, 84-2-1 code etc., Error
detection & correction codes: Parity checking, Even parity, Odd parity, Hamming code.
booleaN theoRemS aNd logiC opeRatioNS
Boolean theorems, Principle of complementation & duality, De-Morgan theorems. Logic operations; Basic logic
operations -NOT, OR, AND, Universal Logic operations, EX-OR, EX-NOR operations. Standard SOP and POS
Forms, NAND-NAND and NOR-NOR realizations.
miNimizatioN teChNiqueS
Minimization and realization of switching functions using Boolean theorems, K-Map (up to 6 variables) and
tabular method.
CombiNatioNal logiC CiRCuitS deSigN
Design of Half adder, Full adder, Half subtractor, Full subtractor, Applications of full adders; 4-bit adder-subtractor
circuit, BCD adder circuit, Excess 3 adder circuit and carry look-a-head adder circuit
CombiNatioNal logiC CiRCuitS deSigN uSiNg mSi &lSi
Design of encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer and Demultiplexers, Implementation of higher order circuits using lower
order circuits. Realization of Boolean functions using decoders and multiplexers. Design of Priority encoder,
4-bit digital comparator and Seven segment decoder
iNtRoduCtioN of pld’s
PLDs: PROM, PAL, PLA -Basics structures, Realization of Boolean functions.
SequeNtial CiRCuitS-i
Classification of sequential circuits (synchronous and asynchronous) , operation of NAND & NOR Latches and
flip-flops; Truth tables and excitation tables of RS flip-flop, JK flipflop, T flip-flop, D flip-flop with reset and clear
terminals. Conversion from one flip-flop to another flip-flop. Design of ripple counters, Design of synchronous
counters, Johnson counter, Ring counter. Design of registers - Buffer register, Control buffer register, Shift
register, Bi-directional shift register, Universal shift register.
SequeNtial CiRCuitS -ii
Finite state machine; State diagrams, State tables, Reduction of state tables. Analysis of clocked sequential
circuits Mealy to Moore conversion and vice-versa. Realization of sequence generator and sequence detector
circuits, Races and Hazards.
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