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Number Systems and Digital Logic Families Review of number systems, Binary codes, Error detection and correction codes (Parity and Hamming code) - Digital Logic Families - Comparison of RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL and MOS families - Operation, Characteristics of digital logic family.
Combinational Circuits Combinational logic - Representation of logic functions - SOP and POS forms, K-map representations - Minimization using K maps - Simplification and implementation of combinational logic - Multiplexers and de multiplexers - Code converters, Adders, Subtractors, Encoders and Decoders.
Synchronous Sequential Circuits Sequential logic - SR JK, D and T flip flops - Level triggering and edge triggering - Counters - Asynchronous and synchronous type - Modulo counters - Shift registers - Design of synchronous sequential circuits – Moore and Melay models - Counters, state diagram, State reduction, State Assignment.
Asynchronous Sequential Circuits and Programmability Logic Devices Asynchronous sequential logic circuits - Transition table, Flow table - Race conditions, Hazards and errors in digital circuits, Analysis of asynchronous sequential logic circuits - Introduction to Programmability Logic Devices: PROM - PLA - PAL, CPLD-FPGA.
VHDL RTL Design – Combinational logic – Sequential circuit – Operators – Introduction to Packages – Subprograms – Test bench. (Simulation/Tutorial Examples: adders, counters, flip flops, Multiplexers and De multiplexers).
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