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introduction: Importance and Necessity of Protected Water Supply systems, Water borne diseases, Flow
chart of public water supply system, Role of Environmental Engineer.
Water demand and Quantity estimation: Estimation of water demand for a town or city, Per capita
Demand and factors influencing it - Factors affecting water demand, Design Period, Population forecasting.
sources of Water: Lakes, Rivers, Comparison of sources with reference to quality, quantity and other
considerations - Ground water sources: Springs, Wells and Infiltration galleries, Characteristics of water - Physical,
Chemical and Biological characteristics and WHO guidelines for drinking water - IS 10500 2012 – Water quality
standards for Agriculture, Industries and Construction.
treatment of Water: Treatment methods: Theory and Design of Sedimentation, Coagulation, Filtration.
disinfection: Theory of disinfection - Chlorination and other Disinfection methods.
Removal of color and odors - Removal of Iron and Manganese - Adsorption - Fluoridation and deflouridation -
Reverse Osmosis - Solar stills - Freezing
collection and conveyance of Water: Factors governing the selection of the intake structure,
Conveyance of Water: Gravity and Pressure conduits, Types of Pipes, Pipes Materials, Pipe joints, Design aspects
of pipe lines, Design of economical diameter of pumping main, HP of pump and monthly expenditure for an
apartment and a village. Laying and testing of pipe lines - Capacity of storage reservoirs, Mass curve analysis.
distribution of Water: Methods of Distribution system, Layouts of Distribution networks, Water main
appurtenances - Sluice valves, Pressure relief valves, air valves, check valves, hydrants and water meters-Ideal
water supply system. Case studies.
seWerage: Estimation of sewage flow and storm water drainage - Fluctuations - Types of sewers - Design
of sewers.
sewer appurtenances - Cleaning and ventilation of sewers, sewage pumps.
House Plumbing: Systems of plumbing-sanitary fittings and other accessories - one pipe and two pipe systems
- Design of drainage in Gated communities, Apartments and Hotels.
Septic Tank - Working Principles and Design.
seWage cHaracteristics: Characteristics of sewage - BOD equations. ThOD, COD and BOD.
treatment of sewage: Primary treatment.secondary treatment: Activated Sludge Process, Principles, Designs,
and operational problems. Oxidation ponds. Trickling Filters - Classification – Design, Operation and maintenance
problems, RBCs. Fluidized bed reactors - Anaerobic digestion of sludge, Sludge Drying Beds.
ultimate disposal of sewage: Methods of disposal - disposal into water bodies - Oxygen Sag Curve - Disposal
into sea, Disposal on land, Crown corrosion, Sewage sickness. Effluent Standards.
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