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Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics Fluid – definition, distinction between solid and fluid - Units and dimensions - Properties of fluids - density, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, compressibility, vapour pressure, capillarity and surface tension - Fluid statics: concept of fluid static pressure, absolute and gauge pressures - pressure measurements by manometers-forces on planes – centre of pressure – buoyancy and floatation.
Fluid Kinematics and Dynamics Fluid Kinematics – Classification and types of flow - velocity field and acceleration - continuity equation (one and three dimensional differential forms)- stream line-streak line-path line- stream function - velocity potential function - flow net. Fluid dynamics - equations of motion -Euler's equation along a streamline - Bernoulli's equation – applications - venturi meter, orifice meter and Pitot tube- linear momentum equation and its application to pipe bend.
Dimensional Analysis and Model Studies Fundamental dimensions - dimensional homogeneity - Rayleigh’s method and Buckingham Pi- theorem - dimensionless parameters - similitudes and model studies - distorted models.
Flow Through Pipes Reynold’s experiment - laminar flow through circular pipe (Hagen poiseulle's) - hydraulic and energy gradient – flow through pipes - Darcy - Weisbach's equation - pipe roughness -friction factor- Moody's diagram- major and minor losses of flow in pipes - pipes in series and in parallel.
Boundary Layer Boundary layer – definition- boundary layer on a flat plate – laminar and turbulent boundary layer- displacement, energy and momentum thickness – Momentum integral equation-Boundary layer separation and control – drag on flat plate.
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