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Introduction: The Structure of Complex Systems, The Inherent Complexity of Software, Attributes of Complex System, Organized and Disorganized Complexity, Bringing Order to Choas, Designing Complex Systems, Evolution of Object Model, Foundation of Object Model, Elements of Object Model, Applying the Object Model.
Classes and Objects: Nature of Object, Relationships Among Objects, Nature of a Class, Relationship Among Classes, Interplay of Classes and Objects. Importance of Proper Classification, Identifying Classes and Objects, Key Abstractions and Mechanisms.
Introduction to UML: Why Model, Conceptual Model of UML, Architecture, Classes, Relationships, Common Mechanisms, Class Diagrams, Object Diagrams.
Structural Modeling: Package Diagram, Composite Structure Diagram, Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram, Profile Diagram.
Behavioral Modeling: Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagrams, State Machine Diagrams, Sequence Diagram, Communication Diagram, Timing Diagram, Interaction Overview Diagram.
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