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Unit - I :
COAL BASED THERMAL POWER PLANTS Rankine cycle – Improvisations, Layout of modern coal power plant, Super critical boilers, FBC Boilers, Turbines, Condensers, Steam & heat rate, Subsystems of thermal power plants – Fuel and ash handling, Draught system, Feed water treatment. Binary cycles and cogeneration systems.
Unit - II :
DIESEL, GAS TURBINE AND COMBINED CYCLE POWER PLANTs Otto, Diesel, Dual & Brayton Cycle – Analysis & Optimisation. Components of diesel and gas turbine power plants. Combined cycle power plants. Integrated gasifier based combined cycle systems.
Unit - III :
NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Basics of nuclear engineering, Layout and subsystems of nuclear power plants, Working of nuclear reactors : Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), CANada Deuterium- Uranium reactor (CANDU), Breeder, Gas cooled and liquid metal cooled reactors. Safety measures for nuclear power plants.
Unit - IV :
POWER FROM RENEWABLE ENERGY Hydroelectric power plants – Classification, Typical layout and associated components including turbines. Principle, construction and working of wind, tidal, Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV), Solar Thermal, Geo thermal, Biogas and fuel cell power systems.
Unit - V :
ENERGY, ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES OF POWER PLANTS Power tariff types, Load distribution parameters, load curve, Comparison of site selection criteria, relative merits & demerits, capital & operating cost of different power plants. Pollution control technologies including waste disposal options for coal and nuclear power plants.
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