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Industrial water Quantity and Quality requirements: Boiler, Cooling, Domestic/Canteen and Process
waters for Textiles, Food processing, Dairy, Aqua industry, Sugar mills, Brewery and distillery Industries,
Fertilizer industry, Power plants. Advanced water treatment - Adsorption, Reverse Osmosis, Ion Exchange,
Ultra filtration, Freezing, elutriation, Removal of Iron and Manganese, Removal of Colour and Odour. Use
of Municipal wastewater in Industries.
Basic theories of Industrial Wastewater Management: Industrial waste survey - Measurement of
industrial wastewater Flow-generation rates – Industrial wastewater sampling and preservation of
samples for analysis - Wastewater characterization- Toxicity of industrial effluents- Common methods of
Treatment of wastewaters - Unit operations and processes- Volume and Strength reduction –Neutralization
– Equalization and proportioning- recycling, reuse and resources recovery. Miscellaneous Treatment:
Biological treatment of sewage- Primary, secondary and Tertiary treatment of sewage.
Industrial Wastewater Disposal Management: Discharges into Sewers, Streams- Oxygen sag curve,
Lakes-eutrophication and oceans and associated problems, Land treatment – sewage sickness, Common
Effluent Treatment Plants: advantages and suitability, Limitations and challenges- Recirculation of Industrial
Wastewaters- Effluent Disposal Method.
Process and Treatment of specific Industries-1: Manufacturing Process and origin, characteristics,
effects and treatment methods of liquid waste from Steel plants, Fertilizers, Textiles, Paper and Pulp
industries, Oil Refineries, Coal and Gas based Power Plants. Case studies.
Process and Treatment of specific Industries-2: Manufacturing Process and origin, characteristics,
effects and treatment methods of liquid waste from Tanneries, Sugar Mills, Distillers, Dairy and Food
Processing industries, Aqua industry, Pharmaceutical Plants. Case studies.
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