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Introduction to Design, Characteristics of Successful Product Development, Product Development Process, Identification of Opportunities, Product Planning, Innovation in Product Development.
Design Thinking: Introduction, Principles, The Process, Innovation in Design Thinking, Benefits of Design Thinking, Design Thinking and Innovation, Case Studies.
Idea Generation: Introduction, Techniques, Conventional Methods, Intuitive Methods, Brainstorming, Gallery Method, Delphi Method, Synectics, etc. Select Ideas from Ideation Methods, Case Studies.
Design Thinking in Information Technology, Design Thinking in Business Process Model, Design Thinking for Agile Software Development, Virtual Collaboration, Multi User and Multi Account Interaction, Need for Communication, TILES Toolkit, Cloud Implementation.
Design Thinking for Service Design: How to Design a Service, Principles of Service Design, Benefits of Service Design, Service Blueprint, Design Strategy, Organization, Principles for Information Design, Principles of Technology for Service Design.
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