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Number Systems and Codes: Decimal, Binary, Octal, and Hexa-decimal number systems and their conversions, ASCII code, Excess -3 codes, Gray code. Binary codes Classification, Error detection and correction – Parity generators and checkers – Fixed point and floating-point arithmetic. Boolean Algebra& Logic Gates: Boolean operations, Boolean functions, Algebraic manipulations, Minterms and Maxterms, Sum-of-products and Product-of-sum representations, Two-input logic gates, NAND /NOR implementations. Minimization of Boolean Functions: Karnaugh map, Don’t-care conditions, Prime implicants, Minimization of functions using Quine-McClusky method.
Combinational Circuits: Introduction, Analysis of combinational circuits, Design Procedure– Binary Adder-Subtractor, Decimal Adder, Multiplier, Comparator, Code Converters, Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Illustrative examples. Sequential Circuits-1: Introduction, Latches –RS latch and JK latch, Flip-flops-RS, JK, T and D flip flops, Masterslave flip flops, Edge-triggered flip-flops, Flip-flop conversions.
Sequential Circuits-2: Analysis and Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits: Moore and Mealy machine models, State Equations, State Table, State diagram, State reduction & assignment, Synthesis using flip flops, Elements of Design style, Top–down design, Algorithmic state Machines (ASM), ASM chart notations. Registers and Counters: Registers, shift registers, Ripple counters, Synchronous counters, Modulus-n Counter, Ring counter, Johnson counter, Up-Down counter.
Unit- 4
Memory and Programmable Logic: RAM, Types of Memories, Memory decoding, ROM, Types of ROM, Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs): Basic concepts, PROM as PLD, Programmable Array Logic (PAL) and Programmable Logic Array (PLA), Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLDs.
Unit- 5
Digital Logic Families: Unipolar and Bipolar Logic Families, Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL): Operation of TTL, Current sink logic, TTL with active pull up, TTL with open collector output, Shockley TTL, TTL characteristics, I 2 L, ECL logic Families. CMOS: CMOS Inverter, CMOS characteristics, CMOS configurations - Wired Logic, Open drain outputs, Interfacing: TTL to CMOS and CMOS to TTL, Tristate Logic, Characteristics of Digital ICs: Speed, power dissipation, figure of merit, fan-out, Current and voltage parameters, Noise immunity, operating temperature range, power supply requirements.
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CategoriesEngineering Physics
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