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Introduction Groundwater in the hydrologic cycle, Groundwater occurrence, Aquifer parameters and their determination, General groundwater flow equation. Well Hydraulics Steady radial flow and unsteady radial flow to a well in confined and unconfined aquifers, Theis solution, Jocob and Chow’s methods, Leaky aquifers.
Well Design Water well desgin-well diameter, Well depth, Well screen-screen length, Slot size, Screen diameter and screen selection, Design of collector wells, Infiltration gallery.
Well Construction and Development Water wells, Drilling methods-rotary drilling, Percussion drilling, Well construction-installation of well screens-pull-back method, Open-hole, Bail-down and wash-down methods, Well development-mechanical surging using compressed air, High velocity jetting of water, Over pumping and back washing, Well completion, Well disinfection, Well maintenance.
Artificial Recharge Concept of artificial recharge of groundwater, Recharge methods-basin, Stream-channel, Ditch and furrow, Flooding and recharge well methods, Recharge mounds and induced recharge. Saline Water Intrusion Occurrence of saline water intrusion, Ghyben-Herzberg relation, Shape of interface, Control of saline water intrusion.
Geophysics Surface methods of exploration of groundwater – Electrical resistivity and seismic refraction methods, Sub-surface methods – Geophysical logging and resistivity logging. Aerial photogrammetry applications.
Groundwater Modelling and Management Basic principles of groundwater modelling – Analog models-viscous fluid models and membrane models, Digital models-finite difference and finite element models. Concepts of groundwater management, Basin management by conjunctive use-case studies.
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