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Network Elements and Network Theorems Passive elements, Power sources, Active Elements, Network Models: T and p transformations, Superposition theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s theorem. Reciprocity Theorem and Maximum power transfer theorem (Simple problems). Two-port Networks – Introduction – Z-parameters, Y-parameters, h-parameters and ABCD-parameters (Simple problems).
Band theory of P-N junction 1. Energy band in solids (band theory), valence band, conduction band and forbidden energy gap solids, insulators, semi conductors and, pure or intrinsic semiconductors and impurity or extrinsic semiconductors. N-type extrinsic semi-conductors, P- type extrinsic semi-conductors, Fermi level, continuity equation. 2. Diodes: P-N junction diode, Bridge rectifier, Zener diode & its Characteristics. Zener diode as voltage regulator.
1. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) – p-n-p and n-p-n transistors, current components in transistors, CB, CE and CC configurations – transistor as an amplifier – RC coupled amplifier.(Qualitative analysis) 2. Feedback Concept & Oscillators: Feedback, General theory of feedback – Concepts of a Oscillators, Barkhausen’s criteria, Phase shift Oscillator.
1. Digital Electronics Binary number system, converting Binary to Decimal and vice versa. Binary addition and subtraction (1’s and 2’s complement methods). Hexadecimal number system. Conversion from Binary to Hexadecimal – vice versa and Decimal to Hexadecimal vice versa. 2. Logic gates: OR, AND, NOT gates, truth tables, realization of these gates using discrete components. NAND, NOR as universal gates, Exclusive – OR gate (EX-OR). De Morgan’s Laws – statement and proof.
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